For a long time I've wondered about these issues and E2 seems like a good place to hear some intelligent ideas on the subject.

These questions may seem biased towards capitalism, and that's probably because I'm playing devil's advocate and trying to gain insight into different viewpoints. By way of disclosure, I live in the US and have done pretty well under our economic system. I started out dirt poor and now I'm pretty cozy. Despite that, my mind isn't necessarily made up and I'd genuinely like more information on other economic systems. In other words, these are honest questions.

    1. I've always equated capitalism with freedom: the freedom to create and keep the fruits of that creation. It seems that any non-capitalistic wealth distribution system must include force and coercion to redistribute wealth to those that did not create it. So question one is, Why is coercion better than inequity? And if your favorite non-capitalistic economic system doesn't advocate coercion, how does it redistribute wealth?

    2. It seems that most of the arguments against capitalism center around its treatment of the poor. What's wrong with typical "safety nets" of capitalistic societies such as welfare and (in the United States) Social Security? Instead of an entire society living at the minimum acceptable standard, only those who try and fail (or never try at all) are sustained at that level. Contrary to popular belief, these safety nets (at least in the US) do include health care coverage, meaning the poor and elderly have full access to the health care system. At this time Social Security does not include a prescription drug benefit, but everyone here seems to want it, and it seems likely to pass.

    3. I agree that capitalism is not "fair", but I don't know of any economic system which is "more fair" than capitalism. Do any exist? Have they been tried and proven?

    4. If wealth is redistributed somewhat equally, what is the incentive for people to achieve or produce more than they are allowed to keep?

    5. Why is it that the government is always tasked with caring for the poor? Do you think there could ever be a sustainable economic system based on capitalism in which caring for the needy was the responsibility of NGOs (non-governmental organizations) such as churches or charities?

    6. How should freedom be ranked against economic equality? Higher or lower? It seems to me that any economic system which includes redistribution of wealth, freedom is given less consideration than economic equality. Is this a good thing?

If you choose to respond please have respect for your fellow noders and check your dogma at the door. Thank you.