Game Misconduct is any action that violates, interupts, or deviates from the rules or nature of a structured activity. Common forms of this include:

  1. Rudeness: Being rude to another person is generaly not a suggested course of action in a modern social structure, let alone a fellow player in a game. Try to show the offending player what they have done wrong, and how to correct the situation. If they are unnecessarily and continuously rude, their prompt ejection from the activity is appropriate.
  2. Purposely Deviating From the Rules: This is considered general immaturity, and is not tolerated. It slows down game play, and leads to unnecessary arguments.
  3. Arguing:
    • Rules: This is what usually follows #2. Players that do not adhere to the standard set of rules most often proceed to argue the rule that they broke for a pointlessly extended period of time. These players most often cannot be corrected in their ways, and end up leaving the game. The upbeat mood of the remaining players is silently murdered.
    • Non-Rules: Again, this is immaturity. The player that is starting the fights other players should be removed, because they do not have enough self-control to handle their problems correctly in a group setting.
  4. Cheating:
    • Knowingly: Cheaters that know what they are doing (ie- those who stack decks, peek at hidden information, etc) are not there because they are immature, but because they have a different view on the goal of a game. Some people see a game as a chance to have fun and to be with friends. Cheaters see it as a chance to win; claim their superiority over everyone. Purposly setting up the game in their favor will enable them to acchieve this goal. Don't just kick them out, but make sure they understand what they did wrong, and the correct mindset to employ when playing a game.
    • Unknowingly: Well, everyone makes mistakes. Yes, this is game misconduct, but it should not be punished as severely as above. If whatever went wrong can be replayed or voided, do so and continue the game without a fuss.
  5. Violent Actions: Any player that uses physical force against another player when the actions are unfounded and unnecessary is considered to be not only violent, but a hazard to the other players. This player should be removed from the activity immediately.

These are just a few of the most common forms of game misconduct. What counts as misconduct varies from game to game, depending on the rules.
