
Not sure where to begin. I slept 11 hours last night. I only get 5 hours or so sleep during the week. I leave at 5:00 a.m. and get home late in the afternoon. After a brief relaxation I try to accomplish as much as I can before eating, bed and starting all over again.

I spent some time this morning just staring at the keyboards. I needed to finish this song but my inspiration is as finicky as a house cat these days. So realizing that music wasn't going to be written, I checked my email accounts and retired to the den for some coffee and news. You must realize by now that my life is as exciting as yours is.

I finally pulled myself off the couch to go fill my truck and get a wash. We have had an invasion of huge moths here in Texas. Every morning I run into their attack forces attempting to pulverize my truck in a failed endeavor to distract me so they can gain control of my brain stem. It seems that either there real stupid or very brave as their squadrons' attack in waves of destruction. By the time I arrive at work, there is only 50% visibility through the windshield. If their purpose was to disable my visibility, they have succeeded, but if there were surreptitious motives, they have yet to succeed. So after sitting trough the "deluxe" car wash, there are still the very noticeable remains of the suicidal moths. At least some remains were washed away, but it looks like manual rinsing before completely finding my full plane of view through the glass. So I wandered into the station, picked up some beer, wrote a check for 60 bucks for both tanks on my truck, and left.

Once I arrived back home, I watched a special on MSNBC about a couple that had their baby stolen. Naturally the police suspected them and went as far as fabricating evidence to try to convict them. What happened to the world? When did I miss the destruction of society and values? It must have been one of those fun weekends at the lake lucking out and not killing myself on water skis and avoiding the unseen dangers lurking below.

Now I've just come in from power spraying the pool deck. Two and a half hours shooting 2000 P.S.I. water at concrete and coping. I went without a shirt, as the heat was unbearable. Did I get sun? I won't know until I hit the shower and feel the pain from the hot water washing over scorched areas of my body. Happy happy joy joy. Sometimes my thinking ahead process is disabled for brief periods of time causing emotional and physical pain. Will I ever learn? Only time holds the answer.

Now I know I should have been in the attic replacing the cat5 cable for our Ethernet network, but now I think I'm going to call it a day and start sipping on some beer. My back hurts form bending over spraying, my left foot hurts from accidentally shooting it with the power sprayer and I stink.

Oh, one more thing. To top off the day, my mom calls. Seems I forgot to call her on mothers' day. Of course I did talk to her the day before, but as mothers are so astute to point out your absentmindedness and subconsciously implanting feelings of guilt and shame, it was to no avail telling her I'm sorry. So I talked and took my licks.

I'm off for a shower, beer and a good movie. I hope you had a wonderful Saturday.


P.S. NightShadow You sound like you have a strong grasp on your reality. That's strength in the selection of where you want to be later in life. If you have doubts about your direction, start planning now and I believe you will achieve your goal.

P.S.S. Oh, its Sunday already? Hope you had a happy Sunday also.