For some decades, one of the biggest obstacles to any kind of peaceable relations between Israel and Syria is Israel's continued occupation of the Golan Heights, a 1250 square kilometer chunk of land on the border between the two countries. Israel took over the land in one of the innumerable wars between them, and has neither attempted to officially annex it, nor offered to return it. Israel is reluctant to return the land because of its semi-mountainous heights (soaring 1700 feet above the Israeli land on the other side of the border), which gives whoever possesses the land the high ground. If you have any doubt about the value of that, you need no more than watch the end of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith to what happens when you go against the holder of the high ground.

So here's my thinking: peace is better than a perpetual state of war, and one of the main things (supposedly) holding up peace between Israel and Syria is this chunk of land. So I think Israel should give it back - but with a condition. Before they give it back, Israel should take away the thing that makes the land a threat, which is its height.

So in short I'm saying Israel should bring in the blasting caps and the pickaxes and the dump trucks and take down the mountain. Carefully, mind you, since there are some archaeological treasures in the area which should be preserved and returned to their original latitude and longitude once all that altitude has been carted away. Likewise, although so massive a project is bound to bring some upheaval to the ecosystem, it should be done in the most eco-friendly way possible, with the restoration of the lowered land to its longstanding level of lushness. And, really, while a piece of land that big is being dug up, keep an eye out for artifacts and fossils and maybe some diamonds or other goodies.

Now, what to do with the rubble? Here's a few ideas: build up the land on the Israeli side of the border, maybe a cliff of just a few hundred feet. Build up some ports and harbors and stuff on that meager Israeli coastline. Airlift it to countries that face a serious shortage of piles of rock. Who knows. Who cares, just as long as they don't throw it in the ocean.

If Syria doesn't like this idea, well that's too darn bad since they don't have what it takes to retrieve the land by force. If Israel doesn't like this idea, well then they should stop carping when the rest of the world complains about this particular occupation of land. This leads me to one other option. Since Israelis have turned out to be wizards of transformation in turning seaside desert into fertile land, if they can't get on in the Middle East then they should just buy Baja California from Mexico and work that magic there.