Here's a proof that the five Platonic solids or regular polyhedra are the only ones.

Suppose that f faces of the solid meet at each vertex and that each face is a regular t-gon. Of course f and t have to be at least 3. The sum of the angles at a vertex is <2pi and each of these angles is (t-2)pi/t (the angle of a regular t-gon). So this gives an inequality:

(f(t-2)pi)/t < 2pi
As a consequence
(f-2)(t-2) <4

It's obvious than any integer solutions to this with f,t>= 3 must have either f or t equal to 3. This gives us exactly the solutions:

These are, respectively, the tetrahedron,cube,dodecahedron, octahedron and icosahedron.