If you believe in ghosts or demons etc. You might believe my story of seeing shadow people. My first experience would be when I was a very young boy, my family and I were living in a rather haunted house built probably in the 18th or 19th century. It had something to do with a doctor and his wife, I believe it was his office/home or just his office. So it comes to no surprise that I saw a woman at that house, very possibly the wife?

I do not have all the answers however I wish that I did,but any way on with the story. I was laying down in my bed, when I decided I was going to pull my Iron man sheet over my head, I did so for some reason and since my sheet was so thin, it was see through, and for whatever reason I decided to look around my room through the sheet. Little did I know that I was going to see a woman with me in my room, this woman was neither comforting nor terrifying 'cause, I thought it could have been my mom watching me to make sure I was asleep.

Boy was I wrong, I just decided to sleep. Maybe it was out of fear I can't really tell you, but I can tell you that, the lady was short with long hair, I cannot describe her features as she only appeared as a shadow, with my night light illuminating everything around my room. But this woman was a shadow as far as I could see, however she did not seem violent but she didn't calm or like anything, she was still as a statue, but still I managed to sleep the whole thing off.

Thankfully I don't often see these people or things often but, there are times where I swear I see shadows go by, just like the time I was playing on my Xbox about 3 years ago. I was in my living room just a few inches from my TV, with the window on my left. If you go that window and look out to the left you will see the sliding garage door, so when I saw out of the corner of my eye someone go past the window in that direction, I was baffled to see that it was gone as soon as I investigated. There was no way that if anything was really there it would have just disappeared.

It is impossible physically, which is why I believe that this could have been a shadow person because as far as we know they are not physical, at least not to us. This last time was the same however it took place inside of the garage, my mom was not home and I wanted my clothes washed so, I decided I was going to do it by myself (for the first time without being advised.) I walked into my garage already not being able to find the light switch, but I just let the sunlight illuminate the room as much as possible. While I was looking for the washer switch I saw the same flash out the corner of my eye.

A shadow which looked like a person seemed to be present in the room with me, with my first initial thought I thought it was my older brother popping in to see how I was doing, that was false and when I turned to face it, MF disappeared. This caused me to panic and run out with my basket in hand and decided to wait. I guess it's better I didn't though because I'm too lazy to put them away when they get washed. This was a low effort-ish write up because I'm currently working on a book series about a zombie named Billy, who raises from his casket, after dying in a
terrible accident, when he preformed a stunt in front of his drunk friends while being drunk himself. Shout out to London.