Germany gained a large amount of territory in the blitzkrieg campaigns and other battles like the Russian conquests. They also still occupied North Africa with the aid of Italy. However, the battles in Stalingrad and Kursk reduced the amount of territory Hitler controlled. Hitler’s German economy outmatched that of any European country. Without any intervention from Allies, Hitler could plan on ruling for many years to come.
Hitler was aware of the Allies plans to invade via the English Channel, and France was heavily reinforced, but not enough, because on June 6, 1944, American and British troops invaded Normandy in Cherbourg, Pas de Calais, Caen, and so forth in the North of France.
After months of deliberation, the Allies were victorious, and the path to Allied victory was set, by September 1944, most of France was liberated. General morale was low, and in the winter of 1944, Germany was defeated on the Western front. After a slew of defeats, in August of 1945, World War II was over for Europe.