I can see both sides to the argument that animals should/should not have rights, seen as individual alive creatures, or as a grouping of fuel sources, (the meat counter at supermarkets). Animals, however are not impervious to pain, and no matter what you do.. they are at some level conscious of being alive, and know the point at which they are dead and how it felt.

I just had a roast beef sandwich, I have also seen a cow hung and gored with its intestines falling out, a goats head being severed in a market, etc. The value of eating vegan is great, the fact animal flesh exists does not necessarily mean that we have to eat it. The stage that humanity is at in the first worlds, the need for meats is miniscule when our diet can be supplemented with a huge array of other matter. I suppose a question to be considered is... Can we put ourselves in the place of the animals we are killing, do we respect the rest of the planet by not making the large eco-imbalances that have occurred already due to our ineptness.

It is my opinion that raising animals purely for human consumption is disgusting, those eating of that flesh have no contact with the animal they are eating. Again, it is my bias that meat eating humans SHOULD go kill the animals they are going to eat. Be part of the process other than a 'consumer', and hold a high respect and regard for the creatures that did give up their lives to go into our stomaches.

All animals are fair game, when you consider the fact that we are indeed eating animals, including dogs, cats, snails (escargot), chocolate covered ants. And whose to say ants don't have a much more intelligent and efficient social stucture? Humans are not as badass as we want to believe. I personally don't want to be culled by an alien race for my flesh, though some would argue thats just the natural progression of Hunter and Prey.

I'm off to get an ice-cold carrot stick.

to Dman --> many communities are happier left they way they are, it is only your perception that they are living in squalor, and until you point this out by imposing your own version of reality on them (such as capitalism and a different status system) do they feel poor and useless. This has been pointed out with the advent of technology and 'advanced' society destroying villages deep in Papua New Guinea.