Ash: "Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up: THIS... is my BOOM STICK!"

Horror-comedy-adventure-fantasy movie, released in 1993. Directed by Sam Raimi and written by Sam and Ivan Raimi. Starred Bruce Campbell as Ash, Evil Ash, and Mini-Ash, Embeth Davidtz as Sheila, Marcus Gilbert as King Arthur, Ian Abercrombie as the wise man, Richard Grove as Henry the Red, Bridget Fonda as Linda, and Ted Raimi as various villagers and S-Mart clerks.

Arthur: "Are all men from the future loud-mouthed braggarts?"
Ash: "Nope. Just me baby... Just me."

Unless you really enjoy your time living in a cave, you probably know that this movie was the sequel to "Evil Dead 2", in which Ash ends up stuck in the past, fighting off more Deadites and trying to find a way back home. It certainly isn't as scary as "Evil Dead" or "Evil Dead 2", but it's a whole lot more slapstick. It features tons and tons of great lines, throwaway jokes, and jaw-dropping action sequences. It's not fine cinema, but it's a daaaamn good popcorn movie. If you haven't seen it yet... You poor stupid schmuck. Get off your ass and rent it, a'ight?

Ash: "Lady, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store."
Possessed woman: "Who the hell are you?"
Ash: "Name's Ash." (cocks shotgun) "Housewares."

Cool Trivia: They almost called it "Medieval Dead".

Ash: "Hail to the King, baby."