Yes, it is 06/06/06 today. 666. Big damn deal! Six hundred sixty-six is simply a number between six hundred sixty-five and six hundred sixty-seven.

Besides, even if Satan came up from the deepest pits of hell (like Satan is even really in hell right now, everyone knows he isn't) today, I feel like I could kick his ass. Satan, big deal, I've probably taken down worse.

Now this God fella, he's where it's at. Can't go wrong with him. I hear he's so good he will never leave you nor forsake you. If he has the gusto to stay with me no matter what...

Who needs a girlfriend? I'm beginning to think God could love me better than any woman ever could...

But I can't hold God in my arms...

Well, whatever.

Anyway, I started a Savings Account recently. I put some back for it whenever I have a few dollars to spare. A little adds up over time. With this money, eventually I will:

1) Get back in college; College gave me so many wonderful opportunities.

2) Insure my car; so I can get my driver liscense and take my own bum ass where I need to go without having to walk myself to death... I never thought I would actually get tired of walking... but I did.

3) Get the internet at home; So I won't have to go to the library every time I take the notion to check my email or put something on E2.

4) Get sattelite or cable TV; so I can watch a lot of the old shows I miss. And laugh at the craziness of new ones.

5) See a doctor; Because I think I have some man-problems and it has been so damn long since I have had a general checkup.

And still have some put back to help me out when I get elderly. Because the way things are going now, there very well may not be a social security by the time I can retire, assuming the retirement age doesn't increase... again!

Also, she gave me a bracelet. It is pretty, and it has the word "FREEDOM" on it. She said "I want you to have this. Because I really like you, Charlie, but I know your mother will hurt me if I try to be with you, and I'm scared of her."

I may never take it off. I told Mom I found it in the street. For those who want more info, see my writeup for June 5, 2006.

I look to the future not with fear, but with confidence, because I know who I am, and I can handle it, whatever it is.