Life is splendid

Today I lost my shoe,
I didn't know what to do
I went to find it
My steps I rewinded
And stepped in some dog poo

I told myself, "No, No
"This way you cannot go,
"You'll end up losing your way."
So I knelt down and prayed.

Last daylog I wrote, I said I should have at least two nodes before I write one more daylog. But then I said to myself, "If it's all about the XP I shouldn't even be writing." So I don't give a rat's patookus if I stick with that plan.

About Kari

She has green eyes. The kind that pierce at you and let you know she's looking at you from a mile away. She has raven, curly, long hair that shimmers in the moonlight. She has a smile that makes me weak in the knees every time she even grins.

I love the way she turns red after I just stare at her and smile for awhile. I love the way she sometimes struggles to get the words out of her mouth, but giggles when she says something wrong. I love the fact that she doesn't care about what others think about her. I love her.

Her striking inner beauty is like finding King Solomon's Mines in New York City. She is beautiful on the outside as well as the inside.

Before Valentine's Day. My love for her and remain disclosed. I wait pace around in my mind for hours and struggle with even this idea of love. I had never known what it meant to love a femal outside of my family in the way that I love her.

I actually put on a nice shirt and tie (ick) for Valentine's Day. I took her out and we had dinner at a romantic Italian Restauraunt. At dinner we talked and before our meal was served (beacause I didn't want icky plates in the way of a serious moment), I declared my love for her. She was stunned, but she said it back! My heart soared and my body felt like it had just been shot through the roof. I could see the moon the stars and maybe even, God's smiling face.

That night, I took her home. At the door way I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I could barely sleep that night, my adrenaline was pumping so hard!!

Never, ever make the mistake of looking at only the outside appearance of a person (this is more for the guys). If you do you will miss out. if you are single and are just waiting for the "Perfect 10" to come along you will miss years and years of laughter, joy, and you will only feel sadness when you give it away to filthy, shallow people.

That is all.

Goodnight, gentle noders.