White. Lots of white, then blue. Blurry at first then getting clearer as my eyes open. Slightly blue light seeps through the cracks in my walls. This is morning. I hate mornings. My head slowly tilts towards the left side. My alarm clock says 1:35 PM. Hmmm, I slept in later then usual. Noon is usually the appropriate time to wake-up. I just turn over and wrap myself in a womb of homemade quilts. I can't get back to sleep though, so I just wake-up.

When I wake-up, I usually do it fast. I don't creep out of bed, because I may never get out. I jump out of bed. Throw a T-shirt and some jeans on. As I walk out of my room there is a pale light from a cloudy day glowing at the end of the hall. I start walking across the soft, beige carpet to the staircase. At the staircase I notice something. There's a black, metal box 1ft. in dimension all the way around. I pick the box up and check for markings. Funny. I don't remember leaving anything on the stairs when I came home last night.

As I slowly open up the lid, a musk smell starts to come from the box, then it turns into a rotten stench that is almost overwhelming. My head stays as far away from the box as possible as I keep lifting the lid. Once the lid is open I see where the smell is coming from. A head. Not just any head, my mom's head. Her face looking straight at me with eyes of fear and her mouth gaping open. I drop the box and scream the most horrific scream I have ever screamed in my life. Then I vomit. I am sick and frightened. My back is against the wall. I look at my hands. They're covered in blood.

I run upstairs and start screaming at the top of my lungs, "DAAAAADDDD!!!! HOLLLLLLYYYY!!! MICAAAAH!!!!SOMEBODDDDYYY!!!!" All I can do is scream and cry. A million questions run through my mind. Who did this? Where's the body? Where's the rest of my family? What should I do?

I run from room to room. Nobody is in the house. I don't dare go back down stairs for fear of coming across the pale, decapitated head of the woman who raised me and gave me kisses on my temple every night before I went to bed.

I shake like a leaf with fear up and down my body. "I have to get my act together." I start thinking. "Go wash your hands, then call the police." I wash my hands of the blood until my arms are raw. I then grab the phone, my hands shaking tremendously and dial 911. I can barely put my finger on the right buttons.

"Pleasepleaseplease pick up!"
Me: For the love of God pick up!
911: 911 emergency how may I help you?
Me: (voice shaking)Help! Please help! My mom...
911: Sir, slow down. Please slow down.
Me: Ok, ok. I woke up this morning and found my moms head in a box.
911: What?
911:Oh my God! (pause) Sir, I will send police over right away. Please tell me you address and....

The phone drops out of my hand

As I look through the sliding glass doors into my backyard I see four dirt mounds. One mom, one dad, one brother, one sister.

Sit straight up. Pitch black. I'm breathing heavy. It was a dream. One of those dreams that makes you cry. I turn on the light. Then I walk over to my brother's room next door and turn on the light. The mound of covers slightly rises then falls. I sigh. Upstairs I can hear my dad snoring and I know that everything's okay.

I'm not kidding. This was a real dream I had last night. It was a very vivid dream that scared the crap out of me.