The Union Syndicale Fédérale or to give it its full name Union Syndicale Fédérale des
Services Publics Européens et Internationaux or the USF for short is the federation
of staff unions which are active within European Union institutions. It is commiteed to
the "ideal of a genuine European Public Service which will bring about European integration
in peace and prosperity, in the interest of the people of Europe".
It was formed in 1974, when it was known as the Union des Syndicats and
currently features the following member organisations;
- Union Syndicale Brussels
- Union Syndicale Luxembourg
- Union Syndicale Euratom Karlsruhe
- Union Syndicale Ispra
- EPSU-Fusion
- Union Syndicale Service Public Européen Petten
- Union Syndicale OEB (Office Européen des Brevets) / the Staff Union of the European
Patent Office SUEPO
- Syndicat des Agents du Conseil de l'Europe SACE
- Union Syndicale - OMD (Organisation Mondiale des Douanes)
- Union Syndicale Eurocontrol France
- Union Syndicale Fondation Européenne
- Union Syndicale Cedefop
- Union Syndicale - European Training Foundation Torino
- Union Syndicale Ecoles Européennes
- Union Syndicale - Institut Universitaire Européen Firenze
The USF is affiliated to both the European Federation of Public Service Unions as
well as Public Services International.