As another side note, the bandersnatchi (Plurality source: World of Ptavvs) were referred to as "whitefoods" when the thrints ruled the universe. They were bred as a food source, and were a staple of the thrint diet. The tnuctipun specifically engineered them with very large brains. The cover story by the tnictipun was that the brains were very tasty to the thrints, so they made them really, really big. In actuality, they were bred with such massive brains in order to be immune to "The Power". The Power was a psychic ability posessed by most thrints (Those thrints who lost the power were segregated into a lower class, called Ptavvs) which enabled them to control the minds of pretty much any other sentient life form. The thrints thought that the bandersnatchi were non-sentient, because they couldn't control their minds, when in fact they were able to block the effects of The Power.