Elmira, NY is located between Binghamton and Corning. Approx. 91,738 people call Elmira home as of 1999. Local legend says Elmira takes it's name from a school girl named Elmira. The young girl was being called home near where the Town Fathers were meeting to rename the town. The town's name before that? Newtown. Elmira is home to several almost famous people and places.

Mark Twain's summer home was in Elmira.
Tommy Hilfigure grew up, and went to high school in Elmira.
Mr. T is not from Elmira.
Elmira was home to one of the most notorious Union concentration camps during The Civil War. During the 1900 it was home to Roricks Glen, an infamous dance hall in it's day.

Elmira is currently home to The National Warplane Museum, Harris Hill Soaring Center, and the Jackals Hockey team.