I was at a carnival playing some sort of toss-game where the object was to knock down the stuffed animal you wanted to win with these tiny balsa wood balls. I had won a small blue stuffed bear with a bow-tie and a silver belly, but I was trying to win the larger bear so that I could give it to Aaron. A strange, middle-aged, balding man and his son (creepy kid -- looked like one of those blond stare-monsters from Village of the Damned) started to make fun of my throwing form and my aim.

I began to get annoyed and gave the game attendant another dollar (in quarters) so that I could get another handful of the balsa wood balls. He was telling the kid why I wouldn't win anything and I turned and started pelting him with the balls. I hit him right in the head three or four times, but he didn't say anything like "ow", just kept making fun of my throwing style, so I turned around, took my small blue bear and left.