Let us say, for just one moment, that E2 is in fact Unfriendly to New Noders. So what? What if I completely grant that dannye, tem42, gamaliel, and mat catastrophe (to choose the first four noders currently on Other Users) do, in fact, resent, nay, despise you simply for being new. So what?

You are presented with two paths after this revelation (barring whining about it... oh. wait.) The first is fairly simple - leave. Start your own collective database. While that may not seem a very fair thing for me to say, that's the point - it doesn't have to be. This isn't the US of A. There is no Constitution or Bill of Rights. And there is certainly no Noding with the consent of the Noders. We, every single one of us, are here because we have consented to put up with a certain amount of bullshit (or what some of us perceive as such). But righteously claiming to be confronting Dem Bones with the truth about his totalitarian regime is tantamount to complaining that nuking your node on why Bill Clinton is a dunderhead is censorship - even if it were, it doesn't matter. Censorship isn't illegal here, Bones makes the rules.

Or you could keep going. You could keep going and maybe some day become a higher-up. You could, as knifegirl has already so graciously suggested, make E2 a better place. This isn't, to me, about earning one's bullshit. It's about realizing that the bullshit doesn't give two shits about you, one way or another.

Because I've got news for you - E2 wouldn't blink an eye if you, or I, or the vast majority of noders here, left and never came back. Take that as you will.