Keratosis Pilaris (otherwise known as chicken skin) is a common skin condition afflicting the upper arms, thighs, and less commonly, the face, although the areas of affliction vary greatly between patients. It appears as slightly raised, skin-coloured or reddish bumps, somewhat akin to goosebumps. The bumps are caused by a build up of keratin in the pores of the patient. The condition is worsened when the weather is colder and less humid. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 10% of the population is afflicted with keratosis pilaris. It is a non-severe condition, and is completely harmless. More common in families with Celtic backgrounds. It increases in severity by up to 60% in teenage years, however, spontaneous improvement is noted at around 16 years of age. There is no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, it is almost all gone by the time to patient has reached adult-hood. It can be controlled during teenage years by applying Alpha Hyrdroxy cream twice a day, or a prescription for a more serious cream such as Cortisone can be obtained from your GP or dermatologist. If no improvement is noted by the time you reach adulthood, consult a dermatologist.