spring in the air and butterflies flyin' out of my ass, I thought I'd take a peek back to same time last year.
With regard to love interests, it seems I was very content. Broke as a broken thing, but somewhat swooning with the thought of her in my head all the time. This time last year, I had someone with which to share this and that.
I threw it away, and I've been incessantly weeping inside about it for a couple of months now. It's been especially painful because of a lack of something to remind me of her. I'd erased her phone number, as she asked me to, never really had to e-mail each other, so that's out the window; no trinket, gift, smeared lipstick stain or other girlish memento to take with you to bed when you're feeling just that little bit extra sorry for yourself. Not even a mutual friend. Fuck me...
Until yesterday, that is.
A friend was messin' around and playing Snake II on my banged up Nokia when she gasped, "woah, now that is pretty good". She had brought up the previous high score for the game: 2468. No prizes for guessing who excelled in this area. She had left me a high score. A score?
2-4-6-8, Who do we appreciate?