A simple phrase spoken by a stranger changed my mood in a heartbeat

Walking along the same path to the same bus stop, I was hardly aware of my surroundings. My mind was wandering as it tends to do these same fifteen minutes each day. This day, my thoughts were trapped in a somber place. My heart heavy, I was turned deeply inward dwelling in a dark corner.

The stranger stops me in my tracks. "Wait!" he called to me, "Your hair...It looks very beautiful today. I just wanted to tell you that"

It was unexpected. I returned his smile as he drove off in his golf cart as quickly as he appeared. Today? How many days had I not noticed being noticed?

I continued the rest of the way with a light spring in my step, the weight suddenly lifted. I smiled as I heard the birds echoing the man's words...It looks very beautiful...

Those few words transformed my day.