A snake is a reptile without legs, which may sometimes have a venomous bite, poisonous to humans. Other snakes kill their prey by constriction. All snakes are carnivorous.
The skin is covered in scales.Most snakes use their scales to move, gripping surfaces. They shed their skin periodically. Detailed vision is limited, but does not prevent detection of movement. Hearing is restricted to the sensing of ground vibrations. A snake smells through its nose, and the tongue passes airborne particles to special organs in the mouth for examination. The left lung is very small or even absent. The snake has two penises; for more information on a snake's sexual organs, see hemipenis.
Snake blood has an almost mythical reputation in Asia. The snake is also one of the animal symbols used in the Chinese Lunar Calendar.
Snake nodes on E2:
Species of snake: Adder Anaconda Beaked Sea Snake black mamba Black Rat Snake Black snake boa constrictor Brown snake Bushmaster Coachwhip snake Cobra de capello Congo snake coral snake Corn Snake Death Adder Eastern hognose snake Fierce Snake gaboon viper green mamba hoop snake King Cobra Mamba North Eastern King Snake python rattlesnake reticulated python rhinoceros viper Sea adder Sea snake Spitting Cobra South Eastern Corn Snake Taipan Viper Water adder Water snake
Miscellaneous snake nodes: Are King Cobras Really Smart Baby Snakes bungarotoxin Chinese Lunar Calendar How to catch a snake How to treat a poisonous snake bite Identifying poisonous Australian snakes serpent Snake blood snake charmer snake handlers Snake Priest Snakes of Hawaii Snakes snake trap The Water-snake World's deadliest snakes venom
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