One of the scariest computer errors you can see. Upon seeing these 5 words, you should do three things:

  • Panic
  • Stop panicing and take a swig of a relaxant
  • Check to see if there is a diskette in drive A:.
9 out of 10 times you do that check, there will be a diskette in the drive you forgot to take out. (Final Fantasy fanfics perhaps? Pr0n on wheels? Or that l33t piece of Perl script you wrote for nate?) Pop that sucker out and give your machine a three-finger salute. Problem solved, and the day is saved, thanks to...

The Powerpuff Girls!

Unless, of course, there is no diskettes in the floppy drive. If this is the case, panic again. Then hunt through your supply of CDs and disks for some bootable media and the installation disc for the OS of your choosing. Good luck bringing your system back up. And if you can't find any bootable media, I have been looking for a server to run, so if you want, drop me an email...address is in my homenode.