The defining film in the father-son role reversal film genre, this 1988 epic stars Fred Savage and Judge Reinhold as a father-son pair who have their minds switch bodies by means of a mystical skull from Thailand. Hilarious hijinx ensue as both father and son must deal with being in each others bodies. As the pair struggle to get back into their original bodies, they must deal with smugglers who are after the skull, Reinhold's new girlfriend who can't figure out why he's acting so strangely (Ha ha! If she only knew!), and Savage's mother, who is now divorced and is now seeking sole custody of their child.

She dislikes me, and vice versa.

"Do you think you're getting something out of the group?" "Yes, and vice versa."

Kind people are often forgiving, and vice versa.


The phrase "vice versa" comes from Latin, meaning "the position having been reversed", and is used to say that what you have just said is also true in the opposite order.



She dislikes me, and I dislike her.

"Yes, I am getting something out of the group and the group is getting something out of me too."

Kind people are often forgiving, and forgiving people are often kind.

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