A small group of prisoners has managed to strangle the warden with his own keychain and escape the cell, then the block, then the level. Now they stand at the outer gate. Among them is our protagonist, a small unattractive middle-aged man with a word branded on his forehead: TRAITOR.

As the group’s leader reaches to open the gate, the traitor stops him:

“Allow me, it means something to me.”

With a push, the gate swings open and a beautiful spring day shines on the escapees. At once, chains descend from the ceiling and shackles rise out of the floor, binding the man whose hand had touched the gate and triggered the last trap. As the traitor struggles in the iron restraints, a collar comes from behind, snaps around his neck and begins to tighten.

The gate is already closing again. The members of the group make a rush for freedom, shoving each other. The last one, a good-looking girl, stoops and kisses the traitor on the forehead before joining the rest. Seconds later, the light narrows to a line and winks out as the gate slams shut. There’s a final gasp, and it’s over.

Trai"tor (?), n. [OE. traitour, OF. traitor, traiteur, F. treitre, L. traditor, fr. tradere, traditum, to deliver, to give up or surrender treacherously, to betray; trans across, over + dare to give. See Date time, and cf. Betray,Tradition, Traditor, Treason.]


One who violates his allegiance and betrays his country; one guilty of treason; one who, in breach of trust, delivers his country to an enemy, or yields up any fort or place intrusted to his defense, or surrenders an army or body of troops to the enemy, unless when vanquished; also, one who takes arms and levies war against his country; or one who aids an enemy in conquering his country. See Treason.

O passing traitor, perjured and unjust! Shak.


Hence, one who betrays any confidence or trust; a betrayer.

"This false traitor death."



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Trai"tor, a.



Spenser. Pope.


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Trai"tor, v. t.

To act the traitor toward; to betray; to deceive.

[Obs.] " But time, it traitors me."



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