
       char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
The str function strstr finds the first occurence of needle in haystack. Trailing nulls are not used.

Returns NULL, or the pointer to the trailing substring.

I just love those parameter names. What operating system other than linux would let you find a needle in a haystack natively?

Seriously though, this is a very useful function. Great for finding things, of course, and the "trailing substring as return value" feature is really useful. Want to count all the occurences of a substring?

int findSubStr(const char *haystack, const char *needle) {
     char * foo;

     if(foo=strstr(haystack, needle)) {
           return 1 + findSubStr(foo, needle); //Return 1
                        // we got a match
                        // plus all 1's returned 
                        // from searches of remnants...

     return 0; //Return 0 - no match.
This sucker will recursively count them, going down the list. Note that some early versions of linux bletch on null arguments, so this code needs a bit more error checking. An excellent exercise for the reader, don'tcha think?

NOTE ON TRAILING SUBSTRINGS: The "trailing substring" which strstr points to in its return value is actually cleverness. It does not allocate a new string - it simply returns a pointer pointing to the character immediately after the last character in the delimeter delim. This gives the effect of returning a pointer to some new string, but this is not the case. Be very careful about when you free things with this function!

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