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Class: Foot Soldier
Type: Shock Troops
Famous lines: Close the blast doors!, Look, Sir! Droids!
Affiliation: The Galactic Empire
Total Troops: Over 2,500,000,000 (Two point five billion)
The Imperial Stormtroopers are highly trained shock troops, which are used are strike units against whomever the Galactic Empire feels may threathen their order, security or integrity. They are very highly disciplined, and answer only to those of the Emperor. They do not fear death, and will carry out ANY order given without hesitation or concern for their own security whatsoever. They are the kamikaze soldiers of the Galactic Empire. Stormtroopers are truly independent of the Imperial Navy or the Imperial Army chains of command, as they have their own command structure, ranking system and support facilities. However, if such a situation occurs, a Company Commander can give command to any regular officer over any given squad or platoon.
Their organization manners are similar to those of the Imperial Army. In the Stormtroops, the primary or basic element is the squad. A squad is the smallest element, and a stormtrooper rarely travels alone. Their duty, other than serve the Empire, is to police the places assigned to them by the Empire. These places can be very populated, or very remote. Either way, they will perform their duty 100%*. It is thought that the total combination of the stormtroopers are greater than those of the entire military empire. The Stormtroopers are rarely or not at all identified by their name. Instead, each one is assigned its own number.
If you are so foolish as to not comply when ordered by a stormtrooper, you will be incarcerated or seized for destruction. In non-combat situations, a stormtrooper officer wears a dark uniform, insignia, and a cap. All stormtrooper officers are also stormtroopers, and wears the characteristic white armor along with everyone else. At the Imperial Academy at Carida, they learn an old game called Quadrant, which is a tactical visualization game and troopers on duty are allowed to play this game (they usually do) to pass off time when not endangered or in a tense situation. After months at Carida, a Stormtrooper cadet is paired with a veteran trooper for quicker learing in action.
Helmet: Advanced Breathing Filters,
>One SoroSuub DH77 ComLink OR
>Herzfall Corp. DH107 ComLink
>One Broadband Communications Antenna,
>Automatic Polarizing Lenses
>Holographic Vision Processors
>Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquistion System (MFTAS)
>One Comtech Series IV speakers
The very reinforced helmet contains Advanced Breathing Filters (which acts as protection against Chemical and Biological attacks, as well as toxins), Comlink for instant communication with other units, which also has options to change the frequency. The comlink uses linked encoding sequences to change frequencies every few seconds while keeping all troopers in the unit synchronized. If a trooper's helmet is removed without the trooper first hitting the comlink's control stud, the frequency coding routine is automatically deleted from that helmet.
The automatic polarizing lenses protects the trooper against intense glare and provides them with enhanced combat vision or "Holographic Vision Processors" (Allows vision through many barriers such as smoke, darkness and fire). Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System (MFTAS) helps with the stromtroopers' perception in darkness as well as smoke and other visibility obscuring conditions.
It also assists in aiming at moving targets. The Comtech Series IV helmet speaker uses three-phase sonic filtering for clear sound (For troopers, it is connected to the audio pickup). Also it has a Vocoder for talking to non-Stormtroopers.
Armour: Four layer armor suit;
>1. Outer Plasteel™ Impervium,
>2. Anti-blaster Mesh,
>3. Magnetic Shielding Layer
>4. Inner Insulator Fabric
The backplate contains an emergency 20 minutes of oxygen if the trooper is should be so unlucky to be exposed to vacuum or if he is trapped underwater. It also contains a power pack. The stomach armour contains Manual Suit Seal and Environmental Controls. The thigh Armour has a reinforced alloy plate ridge and the lower right side, near the knee contains the suits system power cells The left upper side of the shin armour has a sniper position Knee Protector Plate.
The utility belt has two Blast Energy Sinks to protect the trooper's hips. The storomtroopers boots are not armoured, but they are gripped. The armour is equipped with IFF circuitry for identification and command purposes for identifying each other.
It also protects the troopers from very harsh environments as well as projectiles and impact weapons. The armour might be penetrated by a direct blaster bolt, but it will reduce damage from the bolts absorbed significantly. The body glove allows for operation in warm or cold climates, however it can protect the trooper from almost any environment -- from total vacuum conditions to the very extremes in cold and heat for a very limited period of time.
Std. Weapon: BlasTech® E-11 Blaster Rifle OR
>SoroSuub Stormtrooper One Blaster Rifle,
>Short Range Combat Pistol
Alt. Weapons: BlasTech® DLT-19,
>BlasTech® DLT-20a Blaster Rifle,
>BlasTech® T-21 Light Repeating Blaster,
>BlasTech® E-Web™ Heavy Repeating Blaster,
Special: Wrist ComLink,
>Tiny Battle Holocam OR
>Proper Resonator OR
>External helmet light
>Glow Rod attached to the BlasTech® E-11 Blaster Rifle
>Power Gloves
The E-11 can be found almost anywhere. It is the standard issue weapon of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps and one of the most common issued rifles in the Empire. They are also in high demand (although heavily regulated) for civilian and corporate sales, along with a brisk trade in them on the underground market.
It has proven to be a highly versatile design, spawning a wide number of variations. To make up for the high demand for these weapons, BlasTech has authorized SoroSuub and Merr-Sonn to manufacture them under licence. These three manufacturers are found mixed indiscriminately across the Empire in Imperial stocks. In addition to these, several specialized designs have been spawned.
The basic E-11 is 43.8cm long (folded), and weighs 2.6 kilograms. The powercell housing opens on the left side of the action housing, above the trigger, giving the E11 a very low profile (useful when shooting prone or from a barracade), with a standerd powercell providing 100 shots. The blaster gas chamber contains sufficent supplies for thirty powercells. All moving and/or metal parts are fitted with a corrosion-proof, vaccume-rated, dry lubricant. The top of the reciever has a universal, quick detach sight rail, which comes from the factory mounted with a light, ring recticle, 2x optical scope. The basic, three piece folding stock rides along the left side, under the powercell. When ordering from the factory, one may specify that they wish a fixed stock or a one-piece, right-folding stock at no extra cost.
Some special features include a wrist comlink, a tiny Battle Holocam built into the helmet, a Proper Resonator (To open secure doors) built into their armour,or an external helmet light. They can also have a Glow Rod attached to their blaster rifle, or using a Glow Rod Staff to provide the extra light. Power Gloves helps in hand to hand combat.
Specialized Stormtroopers
There are also many kinds of specialized stormtroopers that allow them to perform their duty where hazards are normal, or for those jobs that the original could not fill in. Such included the Snowtrooper, or Blizzard Force troopers. These storm through icy corridors and and are protected against the chilly surface of such places as the ice planet Hoth. They have standard blasters. There are also haevy teams with light-repeaters mounted on tripods. They have a ghost-like mask instead of the standard helmet.
Then you have the Blackhole troopers which were assigned to the Imperial Intellingence agent Blackhole. They featured black stygian-polymer coated armor to "baffle" sensor readings. Other types include aquatic troopers, scout-troopers, the desert troopers of mos eisley, radiation troopers (radtroopers), airtroopers and spacetroopers. And magma troopers. Never forget them.
Source: misc starwars sites, including the official.
The ASCII was made by a friend of mine. /msg me with comments or additions. part of.