This is a Tuit.
Guard it with your life as
Tuits are hard to come by, esp-
ecially the round ones. This is an indis-
pensable item. It will help you become a
more efficient worker. For years we have
heard people say, "I'll do it as soon as I
get a Round Tuit." Now that you have
one, you can accomplish all those
things you put aside until you
get a Round Tuit!
This is a classic english colloquialism, which may not be obvious to those who do not have
english as a first language. It uses a twist on the words:
I'll do that when I get around to it
It is possible to purchase Round Tuit's in various forms. They general tend to be round, as a 'Square
Tuit' really does not have the same sound to it. Imagine a coaster, and you are on the way there. They will often have 'Tuit'
emblazoned upon them, which is vital to discern them from the coaster you are currently imagining. Sometimes, you will find a
more verbose description on them, such as the passage above.
So what use are they? Well, they are a useful tool for dealing with those people who are prone to procrastinate about the
most mundane tasks. When they say they'll do something when they get around to it, you can provide them their
Tuit, and no longer will they have an excuse.
They also make good coasters.