Two types of these exist. The "stun bomber" and the "trapper". The stun bomber is like your average
bomber, only it spreads SPL 0 / JMP -1 instructions instead of DATs. When a
paper is hit by this, it stops
The other type bombs the core with JMP instructions to jump to a "pit". The enemy is forced to run the scissors' code (usually a self-destructive core clear).
Example "trapper":
const EQU 5
SPL 0 ; prevent bombers from instant kill
main MOV ptr, @ptr ; move ptr to location in ptr's B field
ADD data, ptr ; update ptr
DJN main, <2333; jump back AND decrement core
ptr JMP trap, ptr ; Jump to trap + pointer
trap SPL 1, -100 ; split self (replicator slows down)
MOV data, <-1 ;core clear
JMP -2 ; loop until killed (by self bombing)
data DAT #const, #-const