Class warfare is an concept based on the
fallacious idea that
economics is a
zero-sum game,
i.e. if I am
richer, you must be
poorer. Class warfare
rhetoric is primarily used by the
Democratic party to
scare their
constituency into thinking that the rich are out to get them. It is also used to
justify any number of wealth-redistribution
schemes and entitlement programs, in which
wealth is
confiscated from people with high incomes and distributed to people with low or no income. We are very near to the point at which more than 50% of the
U.S. electorate pays no
income tax, and is totally
dependent on the
government for all of their
It has been said, in reference to democracies, that once the electorate figures out that they can vote themselves cash out of the treasury, the decline of that nation is assured. I believe this was originally opined in regard to the ancient Greek city-state of Athens.