Why choose death?
It was the question on everyone's mind. And by everyone, I mean the whole team. Not just the bat boy.
We never saw it coming. Sure, he was always out in left field, but that was his job. He could run like the wind, catch a fly ball and throw it to Who before you could say lickety-split. He seemed content with his position, never aspiring to be catcher Today and pitcher Tomorrow. He was a curious soul, always full of questions.
But suicide? Why? Why did Why forsake us so soon? Who will never be the same! What is inconsolable. And the one that took his death the hardest? I Don't Know.
The whole team turned out in uniform to pay their respects. The funeral was held in Whenever. Everyone gave the eulogy and Noone cried the whole time. The altar flowers were provided by Anybody. I Don't Give A Darn was not in attendance. Why, he was always angry with the shortstop for One Reason or Another. Those girls were always being fought over.
He will be missed, naturally.
nodeshell rescue