VSAT is short for for Very Small Aperture Terminal. It is a telecommunication system based on wireless satellite technology. VSAT technology is made up of a small satellite master earth station controlling the entire VSAT Network and typical customer antenna of 1.8 meter diameter.

Installation of VSAT site can be done in a matter of days (typically 3 days). It can be located virtually anywhere in the footprint of the satellite. Typical bandwith is 200Kbps outbound and 400Kbps inbound. There is an additional latency of about 250ms in the IP due to the transmission across space to the satellite.


VSAT stands for “Very Small Aperture Terminal” and refers to receive/transmit terminals installed at dispersed sites connecting to a central hub via satellite using small diameter antenna dishes (0.6 to 3.8 meter). VSAT technology represents a cost effective solution for users seeking an independent communications network connecting a large number of geographically dispersed sites. VSAT networks offer value-added satellite-based services capable of supporting the Internet, data, LAN, voice/fax communications, and can provide powerful, dependable private and public network communications solutions.

Generally, these systems operate in the Ku-band and C-band frequencies.

· Ku-band based networks, are used primarily in Europe and North America and utilize the smaller sizes of VSAT antennas.

· C-band, used extensively in Asia, Africa and Latin America, require larger antenna.

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