In times past, advancement within the
faculty was the
result of the
wizards higher on the
ladder dying.
Some of the more
ambitious wizards found that helping
matters along was more expedient than waiting
Death to visit on a more natural time table.
This was the rule until more recently when
Ridcully took the position of
Discovering that Ridcully was annoyingly difficult to
kill, his
juniors have settled in for the long wait.
Other members of the faculty include the Dean, the
Senior Wrangler, the Lecturer in Recent Runes, and the
Chair of Indefinite Studies. Most spend their time
attending meals and avoiding work and students. Also on
staff is Ponder Stibbons, a younger wizard who works
in the High Energy Magic Building. Stibbons is the
creator of Hex, a magical computer which performs
high speed magical calculations. The staff also
includes the Librarian who had the unfortunate luck to
to be caught in a passing magical event and transformed
into an orangutan. Despite limiting his vocabulary to
'Ook' and causing quite a bit of comment, the Librarian
continues with his duties in the Unseen University Library.