As a young man, I had a friend for years, and roommate for some, who loved to party. I do not. He had a big cocaine habit. Addicted? I don't know. As far as I could tell, it didn't damage him any. (Though at one point later he was in the hospital and surviving the night was not assured. I don't remember if that was specifically cocaine, but was something recreational.)

I very definitely have eating problems. I'll stand in the store looking at cookies or chips, knowing that I won't enjoy eating them, and walk out with them anyway. I am familiar with all the books about how the makers of processed foods know exactly how to make that happen, but it's still hard to understand what's happening in my brain.

Much more recently, I've had acquaintances suggest this or that, that they claim will help. One was pretty sure that psilocybin would benefit me, even just one trip and possibly for life. I tried it once: it was weird, but left me no different. Another person gave me some LSD (a microdose) and I felt nothing, though I think that's expected in that mode.

Lately, listening to The Pleasure Trap, the section on cocaine piqued my curiosity. I was never clear what Andrew got out of his cocaine use, but it's said that it's just a big, big hit of pleasure that keeps you coming back. There is disagreement as to whether the casein/casomorphins in cheese have opioid-like effects.

The book made me wonder, would cocaine be a pleasure pill for me? Lordy, I could use some. And yet I have zero interest in trying it, and doubt that I ever will.

Maybe being on-and-off hooked on ultraprocessed food isn't leaving any room for desiring the pharmaceutical route.

300 words for Brevity Quest 2024

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