Can I call?
How was your day?
You’re like a little rectangle in my hand and I’m holding you
You’ve got a voice for radio and a face for a billboard
I like your voice and the way you say things
I like to hear you sing, do you know that?
I could do this forever I think
I can’t stop smiling
My life is so stressful when I’m not with you

Do you want to come over?
I want you to know how it felt when I watched
Adventure Time for the first time when I was twelve
I think I could talk to you forever
Do you want to fall asleep?
You’re like a song to me
I’ve looked at your face so long—
I’m starting to really understand it
I’m kissing the phone
This is so nice
This is so something

Someone told me once that it’s so nice when it happens
And now it’s happening—I think
That was a poem. I was trying to make a poem for you
This whole thing has been one long poem

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