The Lonely Island (also known as The Dudes) are a comedy troupe cum bunch of filmmakers comprised of three very funny individuals, namely: Akiva Schaffer (Kiv), Andy Samberg (Ardy) and Jorma Taccone (Jorm). They are natives of California, although they have recently all moved to New York (more about that later).

If you have ever heard of them, it is likely that you are familiar with perhaps their most well-known enterprise to date, The 'Bu, a pseudo-TV show created for Channel 101 (viewable on the Channel 101 website).

The Dudes are responsible for creating a number of amusing home videos, as well as some truly hilarious songs under their band name Incredibad.

The Lonely Island is also the name that The Dudes used for their pseudo-sitcom (also viewable (as with all of their other videos) on their website). There are only two episodes (of around twenty minutes each), but they are extremely funny. The second episode is a lot more polished (the first suffers from bad lighting in some scenes), but both are essential viewing if you wish to gain an insight into the comedic genius of The Dudes.

Jorm is definately the strongest actor amongst the three. Even when a storyline becomes highly ludicrous (killing an old friend (played by Kal Penn) so that they can cut off his pinky in order to transplant it onto Ardy's hand), Jorm manages to act so truthfully and from the heart. He graduated from UCLA Theater, and it shows.

Kiv is the brains behind the operation, directing most of the shorts and shows. He's also directed a couple of music videos for band "We Are Scientists".

Andy usually plays the goof-slash-hunk in The Dudes productions. He has appeared on Comedy Central's Premium Blend with a funny and bizarre stand-up routine.

The Lonely Island's "mascot", of sorts, is Chester Tam, a tall guy who appears in most of their videos.

The Dudes recently created a pilot for FOX networks entitled "Awesometown". With a hilarious introduction by George Washington (played by Jack Black), Awesometown is comprised of sketches written and performed by The Dudes. It wasn't picked up, but it's viewable in two different edits on their website. The first is a FOX cut, which "includes live stage segments and a laugh track". The second version was cut by The Dudes "in hopes of appealing to MTV or Comedy Central. Although those networks ultimately passed as well, this cut is more The Dudes' style and doesn't make them cringe as much". I'd definately reccomend the second cut, although there are a couple of other sketches in the FOX cut that are funny.

Most recently, The Dudes have all moved to New York. Andy was cast on Saturday Night Live, with Jorma and Akiva being hired as writers on the show. Keep an eye on these guys. They are destined for greatness. And remember, you read it here first.


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