I have pictures of both my children walking on air, at about the same age.

Powergirl takes off

Powergirl have wings
to fly
She related to Superfly
She scared when baby
almost die
She scared and yes'n'she
do cry

Husband say she much
too strong
He say she most allays
He rather she put on
a thong
He played too much with
that old bong

Now man he working
ooh he big
He have no time for
little kid
Not that he ever
really did

She researches kides
summer camps
She study schedules late
with lamps
Pay de money, lick de

Husband say she got too
much power
He say it nearly every
He grumpy sullen and really

Powergirl got wings
to fly
She look with longing
at the sky

She look at husband
wonder why

She finally realize he
a pain
She take a saw to
ball and chain
Husband he whine and
She wonder why he
goddamn insane
She learn divorce lawyer
nice name

Husband lie on ground and
He whine and bitch all on
de phone
Powergirl leave him there
He drink and fuck and get
real stoned

Powergirl have wings
to fly

She rising rising
in the sky
Kids light as she is
hollow bones
They scared to leave
familiar home
Ride on her shoulders
in the sky
She hopes that they will
learn to fly

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