Positive Oxidation Numbers

H+ - Hydrogen
Na+ - Sodium
K+ - Potassium
Ag+ - Silver
Cu+ - Copper
AH4+ - Ammonium

Pb2+ - Lead
Zn2+ - Zinc
Ca2+ - Calcium
Ba2+ - Barium
Mg2+ - Magnesium
Cu2+ - Copper
Hg2+ - Mercury II
Hg22+ - Mercury I
Fe2+ - Iron (Ferrous)
Sn2+ - Tin
Cr2+ - Chromium

Al3+ - Aluminum
Fe3+ - Iron (Ferric)
Cr3+ - Chromium

Sn4+ - Tin

Negative Oxidation Numbers

F- - Flouride
Cl- - Chlorine
Br- - Bromine
I- - Iodide
NO2- - Nitrite
NO3- - Nitrate
OH- - Hydroxide
ClO- - Hypochlorite
ClO2- - Chlorite
ClO3- - Chlorate
ClO4- - Perchlorate
MnO4- - Permanganate

O2- - Oxide
S2- - Sulfide
SO32- - Sulfite
SO42- - Sulfate
CO32- - Carbonate
CrO42- - Chromate
Cr2O72- - Dichromate
O22- - Peroxide

PO43- - Phosphate

These are the number of electrons necessary to restore an atom in a combined state to its elemental form.

From the BioTech Dictionary at http://biotech.icmb.utexas.edu/. For further information see the BioTech homenode.

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