Off the Map is a true story of two female squatters from Olympia moving their way through western Europe, from the Netherlands all the way into Spain. The stories include: a squat on a beach surrounded by tourists; Meeting a philosopher/businessman while hitchhiking the highways of France, an odd foot in a squat in Belgium, and finding treasured artifacts in a small Spanish town. The book is spotted with photos from the stories.
Off the Map was originally a 98-page half-size zine, of which 50 copies were given out to friends and cohorts. A few months after the original printing, in Olympia, a few guys from Crimethinc. doing some late-night work at Kinko's meet with one of the authors and were handed a copy. A day later, Crimethinc. sought out the author and got permission to publish and distribute OTM. For a while, a copy was available for free to anyone who asked for it. But as more and more requests came in, they began to struggle to make the neccesary copies, and the postage-cost of sending them out ($1.29 a copy) began to do them in.
Crimethinc. decided to make Off the Map into a book and sell it for $3 a pop to break even (eventually they turned a profit). The new book had an added 30 pages, and was much cleaner overall. The new cover features an illustration by Nikki McClure. Off the Map has since become one of the most popular books from Crimethinc.