The character Al Bundy, played by Ed O'Neil, on the show Married With Children often went to the local nudie bar to relax, hang with his friends and escape the nagging of his wife Peg, played by Katey Sagal. He would spend his entire $6(US) paycheck at the bar, stuffing it into the G-strings of the strippers or making them crawl across the stage for a bill attached to a string.

The full version of the nudie bar poem, heard in clips in several episodes instead of all at once is:

Where the music stinks
and they water the drinks
the nudie bar

Where the girlies dance
in their underpants
the nudie bar

Where you see their butt
and their trap stays shut
at the nudie bar

Where you can't touch a breast
but you can cave in a chest
at the nudie bar

Where you look at a thigh
and blacken an eye
at the nudie bar

Where the beer gives you gas
but the Bundys kick ass
at the nudie bar

Where a buck's enough
to see their stuff
at the nudie bar

Where the breasts may be fake
but man do they shake
at the nudie bar

Where you swear like a sailor
and wish you could nail her
at the nudie bar

Where the cops are at the door
and there's a Kennedy on the floor
at the nudie bar

References: Saufundlauf

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