My back is feeling better. It's not a ton better, but it's better and
it's wonderful. I feel like I have more energy and was able to take a
short trip to the gluten free bakery with my oldest daughter as a way to
celebrate this and life in general. I don't want to be writing this
right now. I have a list of other things I would like and need to be
doing, but I'm trying very hard to be more disciplined and to cultivate
better habits so here I am. The good news is I wrote some fiction today
and it was so much fun that I can't wait to get back and do it again
They will probably never read this, but I am absolutely indebted to
my chiropractor who also employs a fabulous massage therapist. They made
room for me in a tight schedule and I really appreciate how they treat
me as a patient. I complain about the healthcare system quite a bit so I
feel like I need to be fair and commend the people who are going the
extra mile and not making me feel like a resented intrusion when I come
in with cash.
This Christmas my mom and middle sister are thinking about buying
people a weekend at a ski resort or water park type place. We did this
once before as a family and I have some mixed feelings about the idea.
It sounds nice in theory, but I didn't like it when my next youngest
sister assumed others were watching her oldest instead of asking us if
we would. Everyone is older now which will probably make things
smoother, but the food thing is another issue I really don't feel like
dealing with again.
My mind feels really scattered right now. Like I don't know where I'm
going or how I'm going to end up where I want to be so I'm going to
make a list of things that I want to be working toward:
1. Discipline. Doesn't matter how I feel, just do it.
2. Creating a daily routine. Wake up early, do some stretches, eat
breakfast, get some writing and tweeting done, go for a walk, make
supper, do some housework, have lunch, write if I got my other things
done, pick up girls from school. Hang out with them for a while during
snack. Supper, bath, reading, bed.
3. Streamline more processes around the house. I've started with my
wardrobe and it's working well to have things that virtually go with
everything I own. An expensive investment at first that was well worth
the money spent.
4. Remember that change takes time, but slow and steady can win the
race. I also want to create better ways to treat myself for work well
5. Reward myself when I do well instead of beating myself up for the
times that I've failed. Every day I want to think about positive
character traits I have and ways to use those.
6. Commit to a regular blog post whether that's one a week or one a
month. Continue to network within the industry and talk to people about
ways to monetize footwear analysis.
7. Find a new way to volunteer. Every time I drive past the sign that
says a therapeutic riding facility is looking for help I think that I
should do that. But I'm scared. So I would like to get over that because
the few times that I have ridden I've really enjoyed it. Related: I
miss tentative and her horse writeups.
8. Take more creative risks. I want to take piano lessons again. I'd
love to take voice lessons. I love to sing, I'm just not very good at
it. But I could get better. This is another thing that I've wanted to do
for years and never came up with the money to do it.
9. Be thankful for the people in my life even the ones I wish weren't
there. They're teaching me something and I wouldn't wish ill on anyone
regardless of how they've treated me in the past.
10. Write more than daylogs for E2. I used to
feel pretty connected to this place. Now I use it for mostly selfish
reasons. This place prefers content so if I'm here I would like to feel
as if I'm contributing something other than a daylog a day. There is
value in that, but I can do more and better.
So that's my list for now. I'd like to keep coming back to this as a
way to bookmark my progress, and that's something I need to get better
at as my goals tend to be whispy and insubstantial. It's always
something, but I feel good for having gotten back into the list
generating groove again.
Until next time,