In the
AD&D Planescape setting, the
Outer Plane otherwise known as the
Seven Heavens. The plane of pure
Lawful Good, it is divided into
seven layers, depicted as ascending levels on an infinite mountain. The names of the layers are taken from the planets of the
Ptolemaic system, after
Dante's use of those
planets for his vision of
heaven in
Lunia: The heaven of
the Moon.
Mercuria: The heaven of
Venya: The heaven of
Solania: The heaven of
the Sun.
Mertion: The heaven of
Jovar: The heaven of
Chronias: The unreachable heaven of
Jovar is dominated by the
city of
Yetsirah, which obviously owes its imagery to the theme of the
New Jerusalem in
Christianity. Chronias is approached through the city, but none have ever returned, save the
archon or
angel who rules that place.