A character in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. Jonathon is the son of Saul the first king of Israel. He sided with his friend David against his father. When David was running from Saul, Jonathon and David formed something like a sacred covenant, as so Jonathon helped David in his fight with Saul. Jonathon was killed at Mount Giboa by the Philistines.

From Her Highness

the Princess

of all of the lands

of which I am Her Ladyship's humble mule

and unworthy typesetter of Her Handwriting
yours, truly.

Where do I start? Wow, six months.
Put us through a ringer, uh? Baby, you are
not a bad man! You are a sick man. You need
help and medication. I love you so much.
But I totally got off track with my own
life. My own demons. I know it must have
been torture for you to watch me go
out and sell my body to another man. That
was insanity as well. And then the crack.
It was misery! We both were miserable.
I know you are probably mad, because I
put you in jail, but, baby, you cannot...
Choke me! I could have died! Is that
what you really want? I don't know where to
go from here. If you will get the help you
need, and me, too, then, maybe, we could
have a chance? But it may be that you
don't want that. I'm writing this from
Peninsula. Where I must get back on
my meds. And try to do something different.
I love you, Jonathan. I'm thinking of you and
praying for us both.

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