Christian punk band on
Tooth and Nail Records.
Mikey Huntington - Vocals, Bass
Cliffy Huntington - Guitar, Vocals
Jonny Huntington - Guitar
Danny Huntingon - Drums
Quoted from the
Tooth and Nail Records site:
Through the years band members have come and gone
(Tommy, Bradley, A. J.,Danny #1, Mikee, C. J., Davey), while
some have stayed put (Mikey, Cliffy) and some have yet to
leave (Jonny, Danny #2...cross your fingers and maybe they'll
stay). The band toured America from June to October of '99
(w/The Calicoes, Shorthanded, One21, The Roosevelts and
Lugnut) before returning to their manic recording schedule.
The year 2000 brings a new full length (Plastic Surgery) and
an 8 month touring schedule as well as the band's first trip to