Near Matches
Ignore Exact
Here is my father, here is something I regret
Not Without My Anus
Dawn was a lucky time to give birth
After searching for my mother's name for twenty years, I realized I also did not know my father's
The first time you realize your father is as human as you are
Do we forgive our fathers in their time or in our time?
I am my father's daughter
Daddy, stop hitting me and tell me you love me
Things I need to tell my teenaged daughters about boys
Janet Reno's Dance Party
just like my father
Looking back from time to time, her tears falling fast
Daddy's little girl
my father, at ease.
It has been claimed that some or all of this article or section is incoherent and not understandable, and should possibly be reworded if the intended meaning can be determined
There is nothing left for me there, except for all that I left behind
How Much for just the Planet?
Driving in South Florida
I can't do one-quarter of the things my father can
I don't have any secrets. Now ask me if I have any lies.
October 2, 2011
Oh yeah, and my dad died.
January 19, 2002
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