GOD is an acronym. It stands for Guaranteed Overnight Delivery, a German corporation that offers worldwide delivery services (much like Federal Express or UPS). You'll sometimes see their trucks on the interstates--cream-colored trucks with orange-outlined black letters eight feet high:
|^| ________________________________________
______| |_ | @@@ @@@ @@@ |
/|/~~~~~~~| | @ @ @ @ @ |
/ | | | @ @@@ @ @ @ @ |
____/__| |----| @ @ @ @ @ @ |
/ _____ ~~~~~~~~~|----| @@@ * @@@ * @@@ * |
| / \\ --| |_/~~~~~\_______________________/~~~~~\__|
|/ *** \\ |---~|/ *** \_____________________/ *** \_|
` ***** ~~~~===== ***** *****
*** *** ***
When I was younger, I found these trucks to be humorously sacrilegious--when someone mentioned "giving x to God," I'd always conjure up a mental image of a staid old priest or somebody hoisting it into the back of a G.O.D. truck. Then I'd have to suppress a fit of giggles. (Hey, I was little. Give me a break.)
Funnier still, their phone number is 1-800-DIAL-GOD, and their website is goddelivers.com (thanks Brassmule!)
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