Earl Farwell Dodge, a resident of Lakewood, Colorado, was born in 1932 in Malden, Massachusetts. He is married to Barbara Viola Regan and has 7 children and 17 grandchildren.

He first became involved in the Prohibition Party in 1952 and has served as the national chairman since 1979. He first became their presidential candidate in 1984 and has run in every presidential election since then. In 1996, he received only 1300 votes.


Abortion: Anti-abortion, in favor of a "Human Life Amendment" to the Constitution.

Campaign Finance: Political parties should finance campaigns.

Education: End federal "interference".

Environment: Literal interpretation of Genesis, giving man dominion over the Earth, against costly pollution controls.

Health Care: Opposed to liquor and tobacco, wants strict FDA control over products and advertising.

International affairs: Against foreign aid, immigration.

Military: Pull armed forces out of Germany and Japan.

Social Security: Lift income restrictions on recipients, offer choice of private plans.

Thanks to the Fall 2000 students in SLS 1101 section 55 at the University of South Florida for providing much of the factual information contained in these writeups.

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