The book Daddy-Long-Legs was written by Jean Webster (real name - Alice Jane Chandler Webster) and published in the U.S.A. in 1912.
It is the story of a young orphan Jerusha (Judy) Abbott, who is sent to college by a kindly but anonymous benefactor, to whom she gives the nickname "Daddy-Long-Legs" on account of having only seen his shadow which looked like one of those freakishly proportioned insects. There is a condition that she must write a letter to him every month (to which he almost never replies, extremely rude I think!) and it is through theses letters that the reader gets to experience all the goings on, and to get a glimpse into the mind of Judy.
I read this book when I was quite young and so was completely fascinated by this friendly and interesting girl; I so wanted to be her! Having quite a limited experience of reading books at the time, I was kept guessing until the end at what was going to happen. Now, if I think about it, it's all pretty predictable and cliché, but as a children's book, it's just right. I really liked the little drawings by Judy that you would come across, never has there been a greater drawer of the infamous "stickman", and with so much personality in them!
Although initially a book for young people, I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to pass a few hours with a very likeable, intelligent, and kind hearted girl. A girl who just wants to get through the trials and tribulations of college in one piece and to maybe find a little love along the way.