Are people bugging you to clean your
shower? Are you unable to find anything after you drop it on the floor of said shower? Then you've come to the right node!
Where to start. Well, frankly, cleaners don't work. Even
supercleaners. They may lighten the
gunk, but it's still there. So I had an idea while cleaning:
Sand Blast it!. Not literally, but close enough.
Here's what you do,
Holmes: Find some sand-like substance. I used the innards of an
exercise ball. Pour the small pebbles into a container and mix in some Comet or another powdered cleaner, preferably something real nasty. Ammonia, bleach, anything caustic. If it melts your skin, drop it in!
Swish it around and add a bit of water. Stir
everything around until it reaches a
caulk-like consistency.
Now get a
scouring pad and glop the mixture onto your shower floor. Scrub, scrub for your life! Wash everything off and enjoy your clean floor, for a while, at least.
All Done!