Chaos Family of Gods
Family of the Gods of Chaos which, according to Greek Mythology, was the beginning of existence.
- Eros (Love)
- Erebus (Darkness)
- Nyx (Night)
- Tartarus (Hell) -&- Gaea
- Typhoeus (100 Snake Headed monster) -&- Echidna
- Chimaera (Fire-breathing snake-goat-lion monster)
- Hyrda (Multiple Headed monster)
- Cerberus (50-Headed Watchdog of Hades)
- Orthus (Two-headed hound) -&- Echidna
- Sphinx
- Nemean Lion
- Crommuonian Sow
- Echidna (Nymph-Snake)
- Gaea (Earth)
- Ourea (Mountains)
- Pontus (Sea) -&- Gaea
- Nereus (Sea-God) -&- Dorris (Oceanid)
- Phorcys (Sea-God) -&- Ceto
- Eurybia & "Crius"
- Astraeus (Starry) -&- Eos
- Pallas -&- Styx (Oceanid)
- Nike (Victory)
- Cratus (Strength)
- Bia (Violence)
- Zelus (Emulation)
- Perses -&- Asteria (of Phoebe and Coeus)
- Thaumas -&- Electra (Oceanid)
- Ceto (Sea Monster)
- Uranus (Sky) -&- Gaea
- Blood of Uranus -&- Gaea
- Erinyes (Female Spirits)
- Giants
- Meliae (Ash-Nymphs)
- -&- represents mate
- Bold gods are Original Chaos gods
- Information from "The Meridian Handbook of Classical Mythology" by Edward Tripp
See also: