II. Clarifying Statements
- Phrases:
- A player is any of the fourteen (14)
persons who are actually participating in the game at any one time.
- To put the disc into play means that
the thrower establishes a pivot foot and is ready to throw. To put
the disc into play at a particular point on the field means to
place the pivot foot at that point on the field.
- Where the disc stops refers to the
location where the disc is caught, comes to rest naturally, or
where it is stopped from rolling or sliding.
- Throw-off position is the particular
arrangement of positions (which end zone each team is defending)
and possession (which team is to throw-off) in effect before a
- Ground Contact: All player contact
with the ground directly related to a specific event or maneuver,
including landing or recovery after being off-balance, e.g.,
jumping, diving, leaning, or falling.
- Possession of the disc: Sustained
contact with, and control of, the non-spinning disc.
- To catch a pass is equivalent to
establishing possession of that pass.
- Loss of control due to ground contact
related to a pass reception negates that receiver's possession up
to that point.
- There are no scrimmage lines or off-sides
(except on throw-offs) in Ultimate.
- The disc may be passed in any direction.
- A rolling or sliding disc may be stopped by any
player, but it may not be purposefully advanced in any direction.
Possession is gained where the disc stops.
- No defensive player may ever pick up the disc.
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